Dgame Styleguide

Dgame follows mostly the D style, but differs in a few things.


In contrast to the D style, Dgame is using the 1TBS / K & R indentation style, also known as the Java / Sun variation.

int example(int x, int y, int z) {
    if (x < foo(y, z)) {
        qux = bar[4] + 5;
    } else {
        while (z) {
            qux += foo(z, z);
        return ++x + bar();

Naming conventions

All names should only contain the characters [a..z][0..9].


The following order should be granted:

imports should be almost private.
In a few cases they could be also declared as package but there are only few exceptions to make them public.

public, private, protected, package

If more than one function is affected these should be declared as labels (e.g. public:) on their own line.
If only one function is affected, they appear on the left side.

properties (@property)

properties should only be used, if the method sets or gets a (few) variable(s). But never, if the method calls another method or did a (more) complex operation.


Dgame uses spaces invariably, never tabs. A tabulator is equal to 4 spaces.


const / immutable is used weherever possible, especially for temporary variables.
A common practise is to use const for (temporary) structs and immutable for (temporary) primitive types as e.g. int or bool.

pointer / ref / auto ref Parameter

* Since Dgame does not use auto ref, it is a common practise to pass structs up to 16 Bytes by value and all other by ref const.

Example #1

void test(ref SomeStruct abc) {
    // change abc or store the pointer

Example #2

void test(ref const SomeBigStruct abc) {
    // use abc

Example #3

void test()(auto ref const SomeStruct abc) {
    // abc can be both, lvalue or rvalue
Note: only templates accept auto ref


Try to avoid casts if possible. If not, the new functional-style cast is prefered (if possible):

alias / typedef

The new alias style is always prefered:

structs & classes

Dgame uses structs whenever possible. classes are only used if polymorphism is need.

classes and final

Since D is virtual-by-default, Dgame uses regulary final: at the top of each class.
If that is not possible, take care that every method which is not meant to be virtual is declared with final


Dgame takes care that as many attributes as possible are used. Therefore Dgame uses pure, nothrow and const wherever possible.
Especially @nogc should be used in almost all cases, since Dgame tries to avoid the GC wherever possible.
Instead of the GC, the internal modules Dgame.Internal.d2c and Dgame.Internal.m3 are used. There are only a few places where the GC is involved internally.

Place attributes

Attributes appear as follows:

Example #1

void test() const pure nothrow {
    // do something useful

Example #2

final void test2() const pure nothrow {
    // do something useful

Example #3

override void test2() const pure nothrow {
    // do something useful

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