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Load and play Sound
You may remember it from the Spritesheet tutorial. There we have drawn an explosion. However, somehow I missed something: Sound!
In this Tutorial we add sound to the explosion. Therefore we use the Sound struct. The explosion is drawn as known, but if you press any key, the suitable sound plays.
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import std.stdio; import Dgame.Window.Window; import Dgame.Window.Event; import Dgame.Graphic; import Dgame.Math.Rect; import Dgame.Audio.Sound; void main() { Window wnd = Window(640, 480, "Dgame Test"); wnd.setVerticalSync(Window.VerticalSync.Enable); wnd.setClearColor(Color4b.Black); Surface explo_img = Surface("samples/images/explosion.png"); Texture explo_tex = Texture(explo_img); Spritesheet explosion = new Spritesheet(explo_tex, Rect(0, 0, 256, 256)); Sound explosion_sound = Sound("samples/audio/expl.wav"); explosion_sound.setVolume(50); bool running = true; Event event; while (running) { wnd.clear(); while (wnd.poll(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case Event.Type.Quit: writeln("Quit Event"); running = false; break; case Event.Type.KeyDown: explosion_sound.play(); writefln("Volume: %d", explosion_sound.getVolume()); break; default: break; } } explosion.slideTextureRect(); wnd.draw(explosion); wnd.display(); } }
We load the Sound by calling the Sound CTor with the filename.
After that we set the sound volume to 50 (128 is the max) with explosion_sound.setVolume(50)
and play the sound if any key is pressed with explosion_sound.play()
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