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Using of Spritesheets
Now we want to load something animated: a Spritesheet. For example we use an explosion in several states (It's really big, each part is 256x256px): Image
Therefore we need the Surface and Texture structs, which we already know from the previous Tutorial, again. And, instead of the Sprite class, we use the Spritesheet class.
import std.stdio; import Dgame.Window.Window; import Dgame.Window.Event; import Dgame.Graphic; import Dgame.Math.Rect; void main() { Window wnd = Window(640, 480, "Dgame Test"); wnd.setVerticalSync(Window.VerticalSync.Enable); wnd.setClearColor(Color4b.Black); Surface explo_img = Surface("samples/images/explosion.png"); Texture explo_tex = Texture(explo_img); Spritesheet explosion = new Spritesheet(explo_tex, Rect(0, 0, 256, 256)); bool running = true; Event event; while (running) { wnd.clear(); while (wnd.poll(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case Event.Type.Quit: writeln("Quit Event"); running = false; break; default: break; } } explosion.slideTextureRect(); wnd.draw(explosion); wnd.display(); } }
At first glance, it looks like we are using a Sprite. But there are several alterations: We call the Spritesheet constructor with the Texture and a Rect.
But we draw it as known with wnd.draw(explosion)
. But there is something new too:
the explosion.slideTextureRect()
First things first: the Rect in the Spritesheet constructor tells us which part of the image should be drawn.
In this case we start in the upper left corner (coordinates 0|0). As I said above,
each part of the explosion is 256x256px, so we set the width and height of the Rect to 256 and 256.
The explosion.slideTextureRect()
moves / slides our Rect over the image.
We know the size of each part so in each frame the x coordinate is increased by the width of a image part.
If the x coordinate is greater than the image width, we set x to 0 and increase the y coordinate to reach the next line.
That's all.
Control Animation
- If you want to play the animation only a specific amount of time, you should change the value of numOfExecutions.
- If you want that there is a short pause between each animation sequence, you should change the value of timeout.
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